Anna Safiatou Touré (1996) is a multidisciplinary French-Malian artist based in Brussels. She is currently a resident at Ateliers Mommen with the A02 collective.

Born in Bamako, Anna Safiatou left Mali for France at an age when she couldn't remember it vividly. This frustration gave her the desire to understand migration, the relationship between two countries, two cultures, between the colonised and the colonisers of yesterday and today. This frustration has also enabled her to observe and decode the exoticism that black Africa still evokes in our collective imagination. Using a variety of media, she seeks to make connections between our experiences as uprooted young people and the places that surround us.

The crossing of this personal, historical and cultural melting pot allows her to fill empty spaces, suspended, without answer. She wishes, on her own scale, to materialize a lack by creating her own evidence to make history heard. It is a question of conceptualizing the absence by giving it body, to rewrite stories thanks to these new bodies. These constructions from the nothing, make echo for her to a certain poetry of the vacuum. Couldn't the world be told upside down, like a stencil, on the side of the outline?

@ Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer

10 SEPTEMBRE 2024 
Herbier du département congolais des Serres royales de Laeken
15 x 21 cm – Couverture souple, 64 pages
Maison CFC x ISELP

2025 : RAVI, Liege BE

2024 : Palais Sant’Elia, Palermo IT
2023/2024 : Fondation Carrefour des Arts, Brussels BE


2024 : Iselp x CFC x Carrefour des Arts, Brussels BE
2025 : Art au Centre, Liege BE

2024 : I frutti del gelso macchiano, Villa Iblea, Ragusa IT
2024 : Happy Endings, Carrefour des Arts, Brussels BE
2024 : MUTANTX – Biennale de l’Image Possible, Liege BE
2024 : From here to elsewhere – Parcours d’Artistes de Saint-Gilles, Pianofabriek, group show, Brussels BE
2023 : Zones Grises, Salon Mommen, group show, Brussels BE
2023 : Sen Music Store, General Delegation of Wallonie-Brussels, restitution, Dakar SN
2023 : Un point rouge dans la nuit, Le Bel Ordinaire, group show, Pau FR
2022 : Festival Tashweech, Beursschouwburg, event Xéno-, Brussels BE
2022 : F(r)ictions, BPS 22, group show, Charleroi BE
2022 : Mediatine Prize 2022, La Médiatine, group show, Brussels BE
2021 : Pouvoirs & Dérives IV, Café Congo – Studio Citygate, Xéno- / la Bellone, Brussels BE
2021 : Doppelgänger, Kanal – Centre Pompidou, group show, Brussels BE
2021 : S’exposer, Hangar – Photo Art Center, group show, Brussels BE
2021 : Third Place or What ?, Galerie Tick Tack, group show, Antwerp BE
2019 : Ba Suba, Open School Galerie, group show, Nantes FR


2023 : Roger de Conynck funds BE
2022 : Roger de Conynck prize BE
2022 : Médiatine prize BE


2022 : Master, great distinction, Ensav La Cambre photography section, Brussels BE
2018 : DNA, congratulations of the jury, National School of Fine Arts of Nantes FR


2023 : Contreplongées #2, Salon Mommen, co-curation with a02collective, Brussels BE
2023 : Sen Music Store, with TTH Prod and Thomas Lhoest, Créa.sen residences of pole Eunic Sénégal, Dakar SN
2022 : Contreplongées #1, Salon Mommen, co-curation with a02collective, Brussels BE


2022 : Article – Eveil du printemps of Hadrien Courcelles, l’Art même n°87 BE
2020 : Atoms, Heliographie Magazine n°3, Nantes, November 14, 2020 FR


2022 : Mediatine Prize 2022, RTBF, Feb 7, 2022 BE
2021 : Doppelgänger, Bruxelles Vit (BX1), Sept 20, 2021 BE

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